The PSW business meetings focus on 4 main thematics

Space exploration: Launchers / Satellites

Satellites are a crucial part and the Top Priority of today’s Space Industry, as referring to your needs, from the previous annual event. They are used for a wide range of purposes such as GPS, internet and radio communications, weather forecasting and television broadcasting.

Launchers are the second largest area of Space-manufacturing activity in Europe after commercial satellites, boosting European Industries, and thus, becoming PSW’s priority.

Space on Earth: Ground systems & Space App

Whether traveling near Earth or deep into our Solar System, every Spacecraft is supported by a sophisticated ‘Ground segment’, including: computer systems, software, telecommunication networks and other resources that enable engineers and scientists to send commands and receive data from the “on board” instruments.

Space applications related to Earth Observation, Telecommunications and Global navigation can play a vital role in supporting disaster risk reduction, response, and recovery efforts, by providing accurate and timely information to decision-makers.


Space sustainability is now becoming more important than never!

It aims to maintain the safety and health of space environment. Space industry increased rapidly as well as the number of launches and satellites.

Business opportunities have merged to monitor the environment and human activities to reduce space debris or increase greenhouse gas emissions from launches


Health and life sciences are constantly evolving. In the future it will be possible to operate facilities in Space.

Health is as sector where space research has direct benefits for the general public.

The business sector is now under a revolution, stemmed from the private stations that will be launched in the coming years and the access to Space.